Getting finances under control doesn't have to be a difficult task. The people who tend to struggle with their finances the most are the ones that don’t have a blueprint to follow. Below we have provided some simple ways to put your financials into a proper perspective. Saving What You Thought Was Impossible To Save One of the big things that people struggle with the most in financial matters is savings. Many people live from paycheck to paycheck because they have established a mentality, that all of their money not used for paying bills is disposable income. They may be reckless with spending on entertainment or dining out. All that you have to do is lock yourself into a budget, where you designated a realistic dollar amount that you want to save each month. It becomes much easier to save when you set this goal. Putting Money Aside For The Necessities In Life Life is so much easier when you choose to put aside money for the necessities in life. Homeowners need mobile home insurance, Louisiana, just like they will need car insurance. If you want to ensure your investment in your home, there is no way around this. People who fail to prepare for this, nearly always experience financial troubles in other areas in the future. They may fail to pay the insurance and experience natural disasters that can result in a loss of everything. Replacing an entire home – with no insurance – can be close to impossible for most of the working class. Driving without car insurance is dangerous because it is illegal. It is also difficult to replace a vehicle that has been totaled when you lack car insurance. Carrying car or truck insurance simply makes sense, as does homeowners. Some home and car owners avoid paying their premiums because they assume that they are saving money each month. If a catastrophic accident happens and they find their homes and vehicles destroyed, the money saved by avoiding insurance costs will not amount to much. Generally, it will not be enough to replace even a portion of what they have lost. Living Within Your Means Financials counselors preach about living within your means. Most people don’t realize they are living outside of their means because they don’t have budgets in place. Financial advisers find many individuals use their gross income as a measure and assume that they can afford things their net income cannot. It is far more practical – to look at your net pay and give yourself an allowance. They suggest money that is placed in envelopes for things like dining out and entertainment. When this money is gone, the entertainment and dining out should cease for that month. Clients that learn to run their household this way, tend have more success with saving and managing money. They also tend to have a lot less debt. Buy Instead of Finance A big money saver that that pays royally is putting off purchases of large ticket items until you can pay in cash. Generally the interest incurred on these items, increases the cost by 20, 50 or 100%. A great example is a car or home. Financing big-ticket items comes at a high cost, even with low interest. Financing is a process that allows you to make payments, but you also find yourself paying more for the home or car over time due to interest. People that save cash for homes and cars can usually negotiate and obtain better deals as well. Your home is likely your greatest investment, so it's important you understand how having insurance protects that investment. Homeowner’s insurance policies provide coverage for your home in six main areas: Dwelling, Separate Structures, Contents, Loss of Use, Personal Liability and Medical Payments. Allow Kelly Insurance to shop your mobile home insurance for you (337) 656-2890. Ways to Get Your Finances Under Control, mobile home insurance lake charles la, mobile home insurance sulphur laInsurance is a contractual policy providing financial protection and compensation against damages and losses of personal or business properties. It’s something homeowners, motorists, and business owners must have to protect themselves and others. With most consumers, searching for the best e-commerce insurance carrier with affordable coverage is daunting and tedious. A solution is to use an independent agency with a list of independent carriers offering fast online quotes. When shopping for the right policy, consider important factors of the cost and coverage of auto home business insurance policies. Kinds of Insurance for Homeowners & Business Owners Homeowners and flood insurance are two different coverages in Louisiana. Many of the homeowner's policies exclude coverage for flooding. They have to purchase a separate policy for flood protection. Personal and commercial insurance protects motorists and companies’ employees operating a motor vehicle. Private auto insurance protects drivers, passengers, and other motorists in the event of an accident. Insurance carriers offer liability and comprehensive coverages with a specified deductible, which is an obligation of the policyholder. Worker’s compensation is a policy for protecting the company’s employees against injuries and to protect the owner’s liabilities. It is a policy mandated by the State of Louisiana. General liability insurance - Lake Charles La - is coverage is available in a standalone and Business Owner’s Policy coverage. It covers injuries to customers, damage to property, and lawsuits. The policy carrier pays for medical and legal expenses. Businesses and the employees receive protection from lawsuits involving slander, libel, and injury. Car insurance - Lake Charles - is a requirement in Louisiana to operate a car, truck, recreational vehicle and some all terrain vehicles. The NAIC (National Association Of Insurance Commissioners) reported Louisiana ranked number two on the 2016 Top Most Expensive States For Auto Insurance. The average expenditure was $1,302.11, which included $835.28 in liability, $438.37 in a collision, and $222.46 in comprehensive. Nationwide, average auto insurance increased by 5.3 percent in 2016. In 2015, the average cost for auto insurance in the state was $889, and in 2016 it was $955.80. Factors To Consider When Operating a Home Business Entrepreneurs who operate their businesses from their home should consider the following factors: Avoid mixing personal with business when selecting coverage to protect your home, yourself, and others. It could cause issues with your blanket coverages. If you operate out of your home, contact an insurance agent about policy options for protecting business equipment, supplies, and office furnishings. Some agents allow home businesses to purchase a policy package for covering the use of portions of the house they are conducting business. Another option is the Business Owner Policy, an affordable option with worker’s compensation, general liability, commercial auto, and other products that meet the needs of your company. Today, consumers can shop for insurance products using a comprehensive platform with more than 50 independent carriers in Lake Charles, LA. Request for one or more quotes from reputable carriers to find the best insurance products for the price. While statistics and data reveal a hike in auto insurance from 2015 to 2016, an insurance agency provides you with the tools to find an affordable policy within your financial means. The average cost rose by an estimated $106. Lastly, read your policy thoroughly and meet with a local insurance agent to ensure you have enough protection. TAGS: Personal Insurance - Business Insurance - Auto Insurance - Homesowners Insurance - Flood Insurance - Lake Charles, LAIntroduction: Everyone knows you should get life insurance, auto home business insurance. Yet, does anyone actually know why? Yes, Kelly Lee insurance is there to cover liabilities, acts of God, and other accidental damages that crop up from time to time in life. However, insurance serves a greater long term purpose. Insurance provides financial stability to your budgeting. By making a life insurance policy the basis of your financial security, you ensure that your family will be covered in the instance of your death. You can then build your savings, investments, and future financial goals upon the knowledge that your family will be covered even if the economy tanks. This allows you to take calculated risks and over time become financially independent as your investments take hold. The same is true for commercial trailer insurance and business insurance. Business insurance is the backbone upon which you build your company’s future stability. There are several instances which business insurance covers, and we’ll get into them below. Instance #1: Liability Insurance Policies Liability insurance is put in place to safeguard your business from the costs of claims filed against your company. Whether an employee or customer sustain a bodily injury on your property, your liability insurance will help you stay safe in the midst of a lawsuit. It will also allow your employee or client to be fairly compensated in the event that the company was at fault. While collecting on this claim could hurt your reputation with the insurance company, the coverage of liability is essential for keeping you in business if an injured party is badly hurt. There are several liability programs on the market. These include, but are not limited to general liability, professional liability and commercial umbrella insurance. Each has its own policies and addendums to suit the type of industry you operate within and the kind of people you employ. Instance #2: Employee Insurance Policies As a piggyback off of liability coverage, businesses can also engage in Workers’ Compensation programs which provide employee benefits for those suffering from work-related injuries and illnesses. These not only help workers get back on their feet after the accident but keeps your business safe if an employee or their family member decides to sue you unjustly. As with life insurance, factors like job safety, claims history and the size of your payroll affect the rates you will receive. However, the higher premiums are likely worth it to ensure that you are covered in the event of an injury. Instance #3: Property Policies Property policies aim to protect your properties in the instance of a natural disaster or terrorist action. These events are impossible to predict. While your company should do everything in its power to make sure safety standards are up to code, no one can anticipate a freak tornado coming through and demolishing your infrastructure. In this case, 40% of businesses go under because they do not have proper property protection for acts of God. The world we live in is unpredictable. Your financial security depends on having a policy that protects against the unknown. It is better to purchase insurance and find out you never needed it than to never have it and soon after discover that you need it. Conclusion: The protection business insurance offers is not an invitation to be lazy with safety measures. Just like with life and commercial trailer insurance, business insurance is a security for your finances in the instance of the unforeseen and unpredictable. Allow Kelly Lee Insurance to share the options they offer on auto, home, business and commercial insurance so you can find the coverage that best fits you and the company you are building. TAGS: Financial Benefits of Getting Insurance, insurance louisiana, insurance lake charles louisianaAs business owners know, proper insurance coverage is vital to continued success. Not only can it cover the business if an accident occurs, but it can also provide the confidence customers expect when using the services a business provides. For many businesses, one of the most important but often overlooked areas of insurance involves commercial trailer insurance. Used by a variety of businesses, this specialized insurance provides protection in a number of areas, including comprehensive and collision, medical payments, liability, and uninsured and underinsured motorists. To learn more about various aspects of this insurance, as well as auto home business insurance, look to Kelly Lee Insurance for the answers your business needs. Variety of Business Options Since many businesses use large trucks and trailers during the course of their daily activities, commercial trailer insurance can be beneficial to a number of companies. Whether it is building contractors, trucking companies, dump truck service providers, appliance and electronics businesses, delivery companies, tow truck companies, or other similar businesses, having this type of insurance can offer a level of protection that can be very important. After all, in the event of an accident on the road or at a job site, this insurance can be the determining factor in ensuring the business and all parties involved can have their claims settled quickly and fairly. Customized Coverage Since all businesses are different and therefore have different needs when it comes to insurance, Kelly Lee Insurance can work with each customer to provide customized coverage that will best meet their needs. In helping customers, various aspects of insurance coverage are examined in great detail, such as liability, physical damage, non-owned coverage, personal injury protection, and many other areas. And as an added bonus, once the best types of coverage are selected for a customer, their policy can be easily adjusted to show seasonal changes. Not only will this help keep their rates low, but also help with discounts and claims service as well. Large and Small Businesses Whether a business is a simple one-man operation or a larger company with hundreds of employees, Kelly Lee Insurance can provide auto home business insurance to meet the needs of all our clients. Working with more than 50 independent insurance carriers, our agency can compare various types of policies and coverage, then present options based on a client's needs and budget. In doing so, companies can get the coverage they need at prices they can afford, creating a win-win situation for everyone. 24/7 Claims Service In any business where employees are on the road each day, it is inevitable that at some point an accident will occur, requiring a claim to be filed. When this happens, many insurance companies make submitting a claim difficult with traditional office hours. But for clients of Kelly Lee Insurance, the claims process is made as easy as possible. By partnering with carriers who provide 24/7 claims service, clients can be assured they will receive claims service that is fast and fair. Since commercial trailer insurance can pertain to pickup truck utility trailers as well as large dump body trailers pulled by tractors, it is crucial to have the right insurance that covers your type of business. Rather than work with an agency that has little understanding of the importance of this specialized insurance, it is best to put your trust in the experts at Kelly Lee Insurance. With years of experience and a strong commitment to customer service, you can be sure your auto, home, and business insurance needs will be met by experienced and knowledgeable industry professionals. TAGS: How Can Commercial Trailer Insurance Help Your Business, commercial trailer insurance lake charles la, commercial truck insurance lake charles laBusiness Insurance – an Investment in Your Future Owning a business is a large investment of time, money and the future of your small business could rely on securing the right insurance. There is more to running a small business than daily business transactions, as many new business owners discover only too late. This realization usually occurs when a sudden natural disaster destroys a small business's equipment, data, office, and furnishings. It may also occur in small businesses that have unrecognized liabilities, such as employee injuries or fatalities. Be Prepared with Comprehensive Auto, Home, and Business Insurance Plan To determine the actual cost of loss or liability, small business owners usually need the help of a professional insurance agent. The logical action to take is to choose an insurance professional with substantial experience in your line of work. Pulling from past client experience, your agent will be familiar with potential problems that may result in costly liability. Five Tips to Insurance Your Small Business There are five essential tips to consider when insuring your small business. These include: 1. Identifying potential liability 2. Evaluating actual business property coverage 3. Choosing the most cost-effective workers' compensation policy 4. Ability to add on insurance features that result from changes to business practices 5. Specifying insurance coverage for performance and financial loss Identifying Potential Liability During the day to day operation of a small business, the owners may not always see details in areas of their business that may be a source of liability. An experienced insurance agent has the knowledge and skill to pinpoint areas that require insurance coverage. Evaluating Actual Business Property Coverage For a small business with a storefront, their real property can be a large part of the value of their daily business operations; it is advisable to allow an insurance agent to evaluate the coverage you will need in the event of loss of use. Choose the Most Cost-Effective Workers Compensation Policy Workers compensation for business owners with a staff that has a storefront to conduct business should be discussed and reviewed to ensure coverage is adequate to cover medical, burial and death benefits, as well as lost wages. Ability to Add-On Insurance Features Small business owners may need the assurance that a claim of liability filed against the business, owners' home, auto, and business insurance policies are adequate to avert financial disaster. A small business insurance policy should be flexible enough to allow for add-ons that result from changes to business practices. For example, a business owner expands the reach of his target market of customers requiring him to increase the number of employees. A small business owner may also need commercial auto insurance should they offer delivery service using company vehicles. Specify Insurance Coverage for Performance and Financial Loss Most small business owners endeavor to reach 100 percent customer satisfaction. However, from time to time they may encounter a customer complaint regarding business performance. Professional liability insurance, also known as errors and omission insurance, can cover a professional who makes a living off of their expertise. There is also the potential for financial loss from non-payment by suppliers and customers. It is important to discuss these possibilities and the types of insurance coverage that provides optimal security and confidence to a business owner. The "Go To" Insurance Expert Kelly Lee Insurance TWFG has earned the trust of its small business insurance clients, as well as its property and casualty insurance clients. Kelly Lee Insurance provides Auto, Home, Life, and Business Insurance as part of a broad range of insurance coverage. For more information, contact us today. TAGS: 5 insurance tips for your small business, small business insurance Lake Charles La, small business insurance Sulphur La |
August 2023