Buying an automobile, the next thing the auto owner would need to do is purchase auto insurance. While many first-time auto owners in Louisiana are concerned with finding the lowest premium, it might not be an appropriate decision. The cheapest car insurance in Lake Charles LA does not ensure adequate protection in the event of an accident or incident. You will be better served speaking an experienced agent that takes the time to understand your needs before purchasing car insurance from one of the many insurance companies in Louisiana. Kelly Lee Insurance, an affordable auto insurance agency in Louisiana has expanded to over 50 carriers to provide its customers with quality options and affordable insurance. We share below tips on reducing your auto insurance costs: Compare Insurance Costs Before You Purchase Your Car Don’t wait until you purchase a vehicle to shop the insurance for it. When it comes to auto insurance, the car's price, cost to repair, safety records and likelihood of theft impact your rates. Insurance discounts are available for cars with built in safety features, high crash ratings and lower risks of theft. Get the most affordable auto insurance in Louisiana by comparing it with other insurance providers. Look for higher deductibles While looking for auto insurance, compare higher deductibles. By deductible, we infer the amount that you need to pay out of pocket before your policy kicks in. The advantage of the higher deductible is that you can lower your premium costs substantially. For instance, if you pay a $1000 deductible instead of $500, you can reduce your comprehensive coverage cost by 15 to 30 percent. A point worth keeping in mind is that you need to be able to pay the deductible in the event of an accident or incident. Consider putting the savings from a higher deductible into a savings account. Keep a good credit score A good credit score has a positive impact on your insurance premiums. Insurance actuaries have shown that individuals with a good credit score submit fewer claims, maintain insurance, and pay their premiums. Timely payment of your bills tends to lead to a good credit score. Keeping a low balance on your credit cards, while making consistent and timely payments is known to have a positive impact on your credit score. Conversely, high balances on credit cards tend to have a negative effect on your credit score. You can keep track of your credit score with sources such as CreditKarma for free. You can sign up for suggestions for improving your credit score and notifications when something negatively affects it. Low Mileage Discounts To get affordable auto insurance in Louisiana you can take advantage of low-mileage discounts. Low mileage discounts are provided by the insurance companies in Louisiana to those drivers who drive lower than average number of miles per year. If you have a low mileage rate, you can apply for low mileage discounts. These discounts can also be availed by drivers who carpool to work. Don't Overlook Personal Accident Coverage With a personal accident cover, you can rest assured of adequate protection against physical loss or disability due to an accident. Personal accident coverage can also protect passengers in your vehicle. When shopping insurance coverage for a new vehicle, it is essential you consider your financial safety. If you pay cash for a new vehicle, consider how much you could pay out of pocket for another new vehicle if you were in an accident and totaled this one. An automobile is a substantial investment, and if you are financing the vehicle your lender will require you carry full coverage. While affordable auto insurance in Louisiana is becoming more and more difficult to find, Kelly Lee Insurance will shop for the coverage you need at prices you can afford. TAGS: tips to reduce your auto insurance cost, affordable car insurance in louisiana, car insurance louisiana, truck insurance louisiana, motorcycle insurance louisiana, insurance lake charles louisiana |
August 2023